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11/12/2005 Three Christian High School Girls Beheaded WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Wire Service/ -- International Christian Concern (www.persecution.org) has learned that the pattern of persecution against Christians in Indonesia has taken a dramatic turn for the worse with the beheading of 3 Indonesian Christian high school girls, Yarny Sambual, Tresa Murangke & Alfina. Two others were attacked as well but survived. The survivors also had their throats slit (one in serious condition). ICC has been reporting on the increase in persecution
towards Christians in Indonesia over the last couple months. Things have gotten so bad that on Oct. 25, that the Secretary of the "Indonesian Churches Together" sent out an SOS appealing for the world's prayers for Christians in Indonesia. Now comes this horrible news we received overnight that 5 Indonesian High School Girls were attacked in Poso (Sulawesi) with three of them being beheaded. Poso experienced a brutal wave of persecution from '98 to 2002" with hundreds murdered and a 1000 or so homes burned down. 2003-2004 saw a series of assassinations of pastors and Christian leaders. The hidden background to all this is the funding of radical Imams, mosques, and pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools) by Saudi Arabia. Although Muslims and Christians had good relations for hundreds of years, since the advent of Saudi influence in Indonesian Islam there has been wave after wave of death and destruction. This same pattern is repeated in Pakistan. Now thanks to the work of Freedom House, it has been found that the same influence is being spread in US mosques. All this while the Saudi's spend millions of dollars each year in the US trying to convince US citizens on TV ads and through the efforts of Washington's top lobbyists of their undying friendship with the people of the US. We would ask all concerned individuals to contact the Indonesian embassy to politely ask for the protection of Christians in Poso as well as to end the pattern of Church closings in West Java, Indonesia.
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