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12/12/2005 LDI: Planned Parenthood Committed More Abortions in 2004 WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Douglas
R. Scott, president of Life Decisions International (LDI), today blasted
Planned Parenthood for its "ongoing war against children." He said the
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) "has sought to increase its
share of the lucrative abortion market for many years and the
abortion-committing behemoth has been remarkably successful in reaching its
goals." While national figures generally indicate a PPFA confessed to killing 244,628 preborn human beings in 2003, which was a 6.1 percent increase from the previous year. In 2004, PPFA admits that it took the lives of 255,015 human beings, an increase of nearly 4.3 percent. "Twenty years ago, PPFA was directly responsible for more than 5.5 percent of all abortions committed in the United States," Scott said. "It is now responsible for nearly 20 percent." In 2003, PPFA referred 1,774 customers to adoption agencies, which was a 9.6 percent decrease from the previous year. In 2004, PPFA referred a negligible 1,414 customers to adoption agencies, a decrease of nearly 20.3 percent. "It should be clear to everyone that if a woman seeks to kill her child, PPFA will be there to commit the act--for a price. But if a woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby, PPFA kicks her out the door with a referral slip. After all, adoption is not where the money is," Scott said. "Planned Parenthood has become quite adept at killing," Scott said. "It continues to spread its doctrine of death to anyone who will listen. And the worst part if that the Planned Parenthood hierarchy is proud of it." Life Decisions International (LDI) is dedicated to challenging the Culture of Death, concentrating on exposing and fighting the agenda of Planned Parenthood. LDI's chief project is a boycott of corporations that fund the abortion-committing giant. To learn more about Planned Parenthood, please visit: http://www.fightpp.org/show.cfm?page=wrong
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