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CWA: Family-Friendly Tiers are Not the Answer WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned
Women for America (CWA) says that cable companies should not be trusted to
create family-friendly tiers, or groupings of shows deemed
"family-friendly," because parents-- "Cable companies that air some of the most graphically immoral material in television history cannot be trusted to turn around and successfully create a family-friendly tier," said Lanier Swann, Director of Government Relations at CWA. "Parents must ask themselves if they really want the same cable millionaires who produced trash like 'Nip/Tuck,' 'Party at the Palms' and 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' to define 'family-friendly.' "Furthermore, Hollywood often promotes movies as family-friendly when in fact they perpetuate the very themes that undermine the family unit. Themes such as pre-marital sex, infidelity and vulgar conversations run rampant in many so-called 'made for family films.' "Family-friendly tiering takes control out of parents' hands and gives it straight to cable companies. Clearly, the idea is a sell-out. Cable choice is a far better option for empowering parents to keep filth away from our children and restore rightful authority to all consumers. Bottom line: We cannot let cable companies decide what constitutes a 'family-friendly' program." Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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