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Standing Up for
Women and Life; 2nd Annual Walk for Life West Coast SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Thousands of pro-life feminists are expected to again peacefully walk along San Francisco's waterfront on January 21, 2006, undaunted by vehement opposition from San Francisco's mayor and its board of supervisors. The first Walk for Life attracted more than 7,500 people of all ages who walked together in support of women and unborn children. The Second Annual Walk for Life West Coast will continue
its tradition of being held on the Saturday "Our mission is to change the perceptions of a society that thinks abortion is the answer," said Muntean, co-chair of the Walk for Life West Coast. Co-chair and fourth-generation San Franciscan Dolores Meehan adds: "Our goal in establishing the Walk for Life West Coast is to shed light on all issues of life, but particularly to change hearts hurt by the violence of abortion." Speakers will be Feminists for Life of America President Serrin M. Foster, Rev. Clenard Childress, North East regional director of Life Education and Resource Network and founder of BlackGenocide.org, and Star Parker, founder and president of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education. "In every generation there is a people who rise above complacency and mediocrity and cry against injustices that deny access and privilege to its citizens," said Childress, an African American Baptist pastor. "Such are those who will march in the streets of San Francisco for the well-being of our most precious citizens, whose rights have continually been denied and their lives destroyed." At the first Walk on Saturday, Jan. 22, 2005, San Francisco's elected leaders declared Jan. 22, 2005 Stand-Up for Choice Day in opposition to the Walk. Mayor Gavin Newsom and several supervisors also spoke at a pro-abortion rally for counter demonstrators. More than 1,000 counter demonstrators jeered, blocked the route, threw objects, and spit upon the peaceful walkers at the first Walk. One arrest of a counter demonstrator was made by the San Francisco Police Department. This year, Muntean said, pro-abortion supporters have been planning their counter attack for months. However, she said, "We can't let them stop us from getting our message of compassion out to all women. Among those counter demonstrators are women who have been wounded by abortion—we want to reach them with our life-affirming message." Feminists for Life of America President Foster created the trademark slogan, "Women Deserve Better than Abortion" for Feminists for Life. It is the Walk's signature message. "Abortion is a reflection that we have not met the needs of women. Where is the housing? The child care? Maternity coverage? Without resources, a pregnant girl or woman feels she has no support. We can all agree that women deserve better," Foster said. "We can meet on the bridge of women-centered solutions. We need to put woman-centered solutions into hyper-drive. When we answer the question, ‘What about the woman?' with resources and support, we are so much farther down the road. We won't settle for less."
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