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Planned Parenthood: You Won't Find 'Christmas' Here WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Douglas R. Scott, president of Life Decisions International (LDI), today called on the Planned Parenthood Federation of America to stop selling its sacrilegious "Choice on Earth" holiday cards. "One would think the highly paid Planned Parenthood leadership would have received the message last year when they faced strong censure for selling these profane cards. They are either slow learners or just plain anti-Christian," Scott said. The main story on PPFA's website is titled, "Send the Gift of Choice!" "This holiday season, make an online donation to Planned
Parenthood and you can send one of our In addition to "Choice on Earth" cards, PPFA is selling "Peace Hope Justice" cards. "Tis the season to share with family, friends, colleagues, and loved ones the messages of 'Choice on Earth' or 'Peace Hope Justice,'" reads the pro-abortion group's promotional statement. The cards come in two styles: blank or with the message, "Warmest wishes for a peaceful holiday." "Everybody knows that the abortion-committing monster that is Planned Parenthood has so much money, much of which comes from American taxpayers, that it does not need to resort to such disrespectful deeds," Scott said. Also in time for the holidays, PPFA is making a special offer available to those who wish to take a chance on its brand of condoms. Described as "high quality" (see related item: Thankfully, Planned Parenthood Doesn't Sell Bullet-Proof Vests), "attractive colors," and "fun scents," persons who buy six cases of PPFA condoms receive 100 small packets of free PPFA lubricant. The affluent group is also selling condom lollipops. "No one should be surprised," Scott said. "Any group that would sell baby jumpers with the words 'Parenthood. Plan It!' on the front and 'Every child a wanted child' on the back, baby jumpers and t-shirts for toddlers that read, 'Brought to you by Planned Parenthood,' baby beanies with the word 'Choice,' emergency contraception ink pens, rulers with the message 'Does Size Matter?', and milk chocolate shaped like a birth control pill container would certainly sell 'Choice on Earth' cards. Surprised, no. Appalled, definitely." Life Decisions International (LDI) is dedicated to challenging the Culture of Death, concentrating on exposing and fighting the agenda of Planned Parenthood. LDI's chief project is a boycott of corporations that fund the abortion-committing giant. To learn more about Planned Parenthood, please visit: http://www.fightpp.org/show.cfm?page=wrong
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