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CWA to Hold Media Teleconference on Cable Choice WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned
Women for America (CWA) would like to invite you to take On Wednesday, CWA will deliver a letter to members of Congress calling on them to continue efforts that pressure video service providers, particularly cable operators, to provide "a la carte" pricing for American consumers. American cable subscribers should not be forced to pay for channels they don't care to watch, or even worse, find inappropriate, violent and offensive. The solution is "a la carte," or cable choice, an option that would allow consumers to choose exactly what channels they want to come into their homes. We are not alone in our support of cable choice. Recently AT&T and Cablevision advocated a position in favor of cable choice as well. Market forces are working, but very few consumers in this country have a choice among providers; thus consumers need congressional intervention. WHEN: Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. WHO: Concerned Women for America, Parents Television Counsel and others RSVP: Please RSVP to: Stacey Holliday, 202.488.7000, extension 126 Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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