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12/16/2005 NEW STUDY SHOWS CHANGING EVANGELICAL VIEWS ON ISLAM SINCE 9/11 North Bellmore, NY, Dec. 14, 2005- After the 9/11
terrorists attacks on the U.S., evangelical leaders--from Franklin Graham to
Jerry Vines of the Southern Baptist Convention-- emerged as the strongest
critics and even antagonists of Islam. Numerous surveys have likewise found
evangelicals in genera Through conducting an analysis of popular evangelical books published before and after 9/11, the study finds that most of the post-9/11 literature draws sharper distinctions between Islam and Christianity, as well as asserting that Islam is essentially violent. This polemic against Islam takes three forms: evangelical apologetics to prove the truth of Christianity against Islam; prophetic literature linking Islam as the main protagonist in end-times scenarios; and charismatic literature applying “spiritual warfare” teachings to Islam. The growth of evangelical apologetics against Islam is especially prevalent, with a new breed of ex-Muslim evangelicals issuing sharp critiques that stress the radical separateness of Christianity from Islam. The article concludes that new patterns of interaction between Islam and Christianity and greater pluralism in American society are challenging evangelical identity, leading to the erection of new boundary markers between evangelicalism and other religions. These new boundaries can strain interfaith relations yet they may also strengthen evangelical identity. A longer and modified version of the article is available free of charge on the Religion Watch website; just click on: http://www.religionwatch.com/doc/2005-Cimino-Evangelicals-Islam.pdf For an interview with Richard Cimino, call (516) 781-0835.
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