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12/16/2005 CWA Finds NARAL Report on Alito Chock-Full of Clumsy Tactics WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) chastised NARAL Pro-Choice America for following its despicable attack on John Roberts with a desperate assault on Samuel Alito. "NARAL does itself a disservice by applying its usual
tactics to Samuel Alito," said Wendy Wright, Executive Vice President of CWA.
"Abortion enthusiasts rely on euphemisms to cover up the gruesome reality of
abortion. And, desperate over losing voters, they are following the advice
of "One section addresses a 'Federal Abortion Ban' signed into law in 2003. No such thing exists. Perhaps NARAL has concocted a euphemism for the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, yet even that is a stretch because the 'Federal Abortion Ban,' according to NARAL, could 'criminalize abortion services provided as early as the 12th week of pregnancy.' As everyone knows, the Partial Birth Abortion Ban addressed one horrible procedure that mostly delivers a baby until only the head is in the birth canal, at which point the baby's brains are sucked out. It's quite telling that NARAL does not quote the law, or even call it by its name, in order to mislead readers -- unless it is referring to a nonexistent law. "Newsweek has reported that consultant George Lakoff advised pro-abortion groups to reframe the abortion issue in response to ever-increasing losses of voters. It appears to be in that vein that NARAL's report claims the high ground of 'morals.' To NARAL, withholding information from women on the potential medical, psychological and familial harms of abortion, or the government allowing abortionists to stand between parents and their children, is 'moral.' "In its insistence on absolute allegiance to Roe v. Wade, claiming that 'Roe put an end to back-alley abortions,' NARAL overlooks that Roe merely allowed back-alley abortionists to hang out a shingle. What was illegal on January 21, 1973, was suddenly 'legal' on January 22, 1973. Abortion lobbyists have been battling ever since to keep abortionists unencumbered by safety regulations to protect patients because they would cause an 'undue burden' -- not on women, but on abortionists. As recently reported on the multiple deaths associated with RU-486, post-Roe abortion still causes infection, hemorrhage and death. To the discredit of abortion enthusiasts, women still face unsanitary conditions and incompetent treatment. Roe gave abortionists a green light to commit abortions for profit, and abortion regulations passed since have been challenged, not by women, but abortionists." Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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