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12/17/2005 Fidelis on Judge Alito NARAL Report: 'Far Outside the Mainstream' 24-Page Document Contains Hysterical Attack on Alito WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Today,
NARAL Pro-Choice America issued their report on Judge Alito entitled:
"Liberty at Risk: The Vulnerability of Reproductive Rights Under Alito" in
their first major attack against Alito in advance of his confirmation
hearings which begin on Jan. 9.
"The report by the National Abortion Rights Action League is so far outside the mainstream it can hardly be taken seriously. This is yet another example of how radical pro-abortion liberal groups want to dictate their agenda of unregulated abortion on demand with activist judges rather than through the proper course of legislative debate and law," Fidelis President Joseph Cella stated. The report suggests that the right to abortion in America is in imminent danger and states: "Access to abortion is...perilously close to non-existent in many parts of the country." Cella responded: "The fact of the matter is America has the most permissive abortion laws in the world." Throughout the report NARAL cites 'rollback' efforts such as commonsense efforts to inform women of the dangers of abortion, provide counseling, parental involvement, and restrictions on the barbarous practice of infanticide called partial birth abortion as unacceptable. Cella said: "The report clearly shows that NARAL views any regulation on abortion, however beneficial to women, children, and parents as an assault on their radical agenda. Their views are far outside the mainstream of the great majority of Americans." "Unfortunately for NARAL, Judge Alito's record is unambiguously faithful to the law and is clearly not driven by an agenda," Cella stated. The NARAL report lacks any reference to the opinions of many pro-abortion legal scholars like Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe who believe Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. "Unlike NARAL, Fidelis is not bringing an extremist agenda into the debate over Judge Alito's nomination. We are merely counting on Judge Alito to re-establish a posture of judicial restraint and respect for the rule of law," noted Cella.
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