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12/21/2005 CWA: Healthy Marriage Initiative Passes Congressional Action is a Victory for American Families WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) praises the Senate for recognizing the importance of marriage and passing a provision in the Omnibus Deficit Reduction bill that will provide $100 million for marriage-strengthening programs. "CWA has worked tirelessly to fight for this marriage
bill; we've contacted members of Congress on behalf of our Swann added, "Marriage is a fundamental element of society; no nation can survive without strong marriages at its foundation. Yet, divorce and living together without marriage are undermining the family. The healthy marriage initiative will provide financial resources for educational and skill-based programs that will teach couples how to make their marriage work." Swann continued, "Congress has listened to pro-family advocates; they understand that marriage affects all of society. Divorce hurts the spouses involved, but the outcome for children is disastrous. Children who come from single-parent homes experience more poverty, emotional and behavioral problems than those who come from households with two parents. Mom and Dad benefit from staying married, too. Physical, financial, mental and emotional health result from a healthy marriage." Dr. Janice Crouse, Senior Fellow of CWA's Beverly LaHaye Institute, added, "The Healthy Marriage Initiative will help all American families. CWA is grateful to everyone who pushed for this pro-marriage initiative. If we are to reverse the cultural trends that are harming all of society, it will be because we have strengthened marriage and built strong families as a bulwark against the forces that would destroy our nation." Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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