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Ranchers Invited to SD Stockgrowers Area Meeting in Kadoka Rick Fox, South Dakota Stockgrowers Association President
will address cattle producers in the Kadoka community on Fox says that South Dakota Stockgrowers Association and R-CALF USA work hand in hand on a number of issues, including trade, marketing and competition. Additional speakers will include SDSGA District Director and 2006 Lobbyist Mark DeVries, Belvidere, S.D. and SDSGA Vice President Larry Nelson, Buffalo, S.D. DeVries will discuss a number of State Legislative issues. Nelson will address property rights issues, including the Open Fields Doctrine. “We encourage local ranchers to mark January 9, 2006 on their calendars, and make a point to be in Kadoka,” Fox said. “Whether you’re a member of the Stockgrowers or R-CALF, or have never heard of us, we hope you’ll spend the evening learning about issues that affect the bottom line of your business - your ranch. With all of the current issues, we can ensure that the meeting won’t be boring.” For more information contact Carrie Stadheim at 605-342-0429.
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