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In Support of Judge Alito; Center for Moral Clarity Founder Applauds ABA Ranking COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- Judge
Samuel Alito's endorsement by the American Bar Association sends a powerful
message that the Supreme Court nominee deserves quick approval to succeed
Sandra Day O'Connor on the nation's highest court, said Pastor Rod Parsley,
founder and presiden Judge Alito "has a well-deserved reputation as an outstanding jurist," according to the federal judiciary committee of the ABA, and Pastor Parsley made note of other quality endorsements Alito has received. "Distinguished law school professors, former White House attorneys and officials from every Justice Department since the Johnson administration have weighed in with their support," he said. "I urge the Senate to do the same. Judge Alito's rags-to-riches upbringing represents the best of the American success story. His father was an immigrant, his mother a teacher. He grew up appreciating family, celebrating the accomplishments of hard work and embracing the bedrock of our Founding Fathers' values – something the vast majority of Americans are still grateful for today. And as this week's endorsements indicate, he's also well-qualified from a legal perspective." Pastor Parsley believes the liberal attacks against Alito are nothing more than cries of desperation from out-of-touch activist groups who realize they are finally losing their fight for the heart and soul of America. It's ironic to note, he added, that Democratic senators Joseph Biden of Delaware and Richard Durbin of Illinois – both of whom voted against the confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts – have called for fair hearings for Alito, while the liberal groups that support them are talking about stopping the nomination with a filibuster. "The President has rightfully asked for a quick confirmation process," Pastor Parsley said. "I see no reason for delay. The Senate needs to move thoughtfully, but promptly, to give Judge Alito a fair hearing and a timely up-or-down vote." The Center for Moral Clarity, founded in July 2004, is a values-based grassroots organization that advocates for biblical moral values. CMC provides information and resources for pastors and other individuals committed to making a positive impact on their communities. More information on CMC can be found at www.centerformoralclarity.net.
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