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Navy Chaplain
on 18th Day of Hunger Strike January 7th WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 /Christian 74 Members of Congress and 173,000 Americans have petitioned the President to issue this Executive order. Chaplain Klingenschmitt will be praying outside of the White House on Saturday, January 7th at 11:00 A.M. The chaplain will be in uniform and pray in the name of Jesus despite the Navy's objection to him doing so in public before the media. The Chaplain has been invited to participate in a prayer and worship service sponsored by the Christian Defense Coalition. Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "We continue to pray that President Bush will issue this Executive Order allowing each military chaplain to pray according to their faith tradition. It should never be the role of government to dictate to individuals, especially members of the clergy, how or where they are to pray."
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