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RightMarch Ads Counter Filibuster Threats Fair
Process Requires Civil Debate and a Fair Vote Immediately
WASHINGTON, DC - William Greene, President of the conservative on-line activist organization RightMarch.com, is announcing his group's plans to counter leftist attempts to filibuster Judge Samuel Alito's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court with a new ad campaign. Judge Alito's nomination by President Bush to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has been met by calls from far left politicians and organizations to filibuster the nomination before hearings begin next week. "Judge Alito hasn't even opened his mouth to give testimony and the left is already threatening a filibuster," said William Greene, President of RightMarch.com. "His credentials are impressive, his reputation is impeccable and his record has been mainstream in terms of judicial philosophy - nothing out of the ordinary. Calls for a filibuster at this point are unfair and damaging to the process." RightMarch.com has launched two ads calling on Americans to contact their U.S. Senators to afford Judge Alito the courtesy of fair hearings - without delay - and a fair vote. The ads are airing now on thousands of radio stations across the country and have appeared in national publications reaching millions of Americans. To listen to the radio ad, visit this link: To view the print ad, visit this link: RightMarch.com is a web-based, conservative organization, dedicated to giving hundreds of thousands of hardworking, patriotic Americans across the country a strong collective voice in the political process. For more information, visit www.RightMarch.com.
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