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Christian Civil Liberties Union Preparing Litigation Against eBay for Discrimination Against a Christian Woman in Alexandria Virginia Jan. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- The litigation centers
around the CCLU is the only Christian Civil Rights group to advertise itself as the ANTIDOTE TO THE A.C.L.U. The group represents diverse cases such as military families in body armor and military chapel prayer matters, death row, DNA cases and civil rights matters regarding discrimination in employment as well as abortion, school prayer, intelligent design and women's issues. The groups web site at www.cclu.com details all the services offered to anyone no matter if they are Christian or not. CCLU is the first WORLD WIDE public defense organization of it's kind. CCLU is open to anyone, anywhere and all services are "FREE" of any cost to indigent people seeking assistance. Anthony Andolino, Executive Director and PIO may be reached at 703-442-6532 or through www.cclu.com.
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