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CWA Says Judge Alito Will Withstand Left's 'Blood Sport' WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Concerned
Women for America (CWA) expressed confidence that despite the left's
announced attacks against Judge Samuel Alito, he will be confirmed Judge Samuel Alito has unanimously received the American Bar Association's highest well-qualified rating after its judicial review committee analyzed hundreds of his opinions and interviewed hundreds of law professors, judges and others who know him. Two hundred distinguished law professors, former judges, solicitors general of the United States and other appellate lawyers sent a letter to the Senate expressing their strong support for his confirmation. Many of his former law clerks on the 3rd Circuit, where he has served for 15 years, are crisscrossing the country to speak on his behalf. What is most telling is that Judge Alito's supporters are from both ends of the political spectrum. "The truth about this great judge will carry the day. But it's a sad commentary on how degraded the Senate confirmation process has become when opponents of a Supreme Court nominee speak of defeating him in terms reminiscent of a spectacle in the ancient Coliseum," said Jan LaRue, CWA's Chief Counsel. "Reasonable people will not be persuaded by the same-old tactics of deception, distortion and delay. Thankfully, he will receive a thumbs-up from the American people. "Judge Alito has earned this appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court with his dedication to the law and professional and personal integrity," said Wendy Wright, CWA's Executive Vice President. "Those who oppose him have made clear their true motives, ideologues desperate to oppose President Bush who use tired tactics of misinformation, smears and shrill slogans. Judge Alito stands in stark relief to his opponents, a man of honor and humility in contrast to dishonorable power-mongers." Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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