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Alito Speaks
From the Heart WASHINGTON , DC – People for the Alito Way, a coalition of more than 300 organizations supporting the confirmation of Judge Samuel A. Alito as Associate Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, is proud of the opening statement delivered by the judge. “Without referring to notes, Alito explains how he got
here. And how he got here is the story of the Judge Alito humbly began his story by stating, “I am who I am because of my parents. My parents taught me through the stories of their lives.” He proceeded to tell the story of how his immigrant father earned his college degree, fought in World War II and served in a non-partisan position for the New Jersey legislature. Alito recalled his mother’s accomplishments, among them being the first woman in her family to earn a college degree and later a master’s degree. He referred to his hometown of Trenton as a “warm, unpretentious, down-to-earth community” which helped ground him during his college days at Princeton . During the turbulent times of the late ‘60s Judge Alito recalled “good sense and decency back in my community” As Judge Alito moved to introducing his judicial philosophy, he emphatically stated, “When I became a judge I stopped being a practicing attorney.” In Alito’s opinion, judges should not have an agenda but should decide each case on its own basis, an important lesson he learned from the Third Circuit Court judge for whom he clerked early in his career. As he succinctly said, “There is no higher obligation in our republic than to uphold the rule of law.” “All the polls show that the majority of the American people want a fair hearing and a fair vote for Judge Alito. We stand here representing that majority and demand that the Senate Democrats stop politicizing the process. Judge Alito’s opening statement proves that we can have a civil discussion without resorting to partisan political rhetoric,” said William Greene, President of RightMarch.com. Federal Circuit Court Judge Samuel Alito was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by President George W. Bush. People for the Alito Way believes in a fair hearing followed by a civil debate and a prompt vote. For more information please visit www.peopleforthealitoway.org .
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