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Statement of
Eugene Delgaudio on Kennedy's Attacks on Alito WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is a statement from Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio on Senator Ted Kennedy's attacks against Judge Alito during today's confirmation hearings: "It was almost comical to hear Ted Kennedy lecturing Judge Alito on Ethics. I half expect to next see Bill Clinton lecturing him on sexual morality or President Bush lecturing him on proper grammatical usage! "Those that serve with Judge Alito have stated that his character is beyond reproach and even the liberal leaning American Bar Association admits that Judge Alito is 'an individual of excellent integrity.' When was the last time anyone said the same thing of the Senator from Chappaquiddick." Mr. Delgaudio has been leading Public Advocate's fight for the American family for over 25 years. The group's website can be found at www.publi cadvocateusa.org. For more information contact Jesse R. Binnall at 703/582-7924.
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