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Ohio Abortion Ban Bill to Test Roe v. Wade COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Mark
Harrington, Executive Director for the Center for Bio Ethical Reform (CBR)
Midwest, is leading a coalition of pro life groups, legislators, and Pastors
to raise awareness on legislation banning abortion in Ohio. Rep. Tom
Brinkman has introduced the Ohio Abortion Ban Bill (HB 228) in the Ohio
House which has been assigned to the House Health Ohio Abortion Ban Press Conference When: Jan. 18, 2006, 1 PM Where: Ohio State House, 1st floor, Hearing Room 116 What: Press Conference on HB 228 – The Ohio Abortion Ban Bill Who: Rep. Tom Brinkman; Chris Long, Christian Coalition of Ohio; Thomas Condit, ESQ; Rep. Ron Hood; Susan Dammann, Open Gate Pregnancy Center; Rep. Linda Reidelbach; Mark Harrington, Center for Bio Ethical Reform; Paula Westwood, Cincinnati Right to Life; Rep. Michelle Schneider; Lori Viars, Ohio Restoration Project; Greg Quinlan, Pro Family Network; Cindy Violet, Pregnancy Decision Health Center; Marjorie Daflucas, Champaign County Right to Life; Dr. Michael Parker, OBGYN. CBR Statement "The Ohio Abortion Ban (HB 228) provides the necessary constitutional challenge to Roe that could result in sending the abortion issue back to the states. The 33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade is on Jan. 22, 2006 and that event represents the perfect opportunity to raise awareness about banning abortion in Ohio. It is time to return the abortion issue to the states." -- Mark Harrington, Executive Director of the Center for Bio Ethical Reform Midwest For interviews or more information contact Mark Harrington at 614-419-9000 or CBRMidwest@cbrinfo.org. Mark Harrington is the Executive Director of CBR Midwest and hosts Mark Harrington Live heard in 80 of Ohio's 88 counties.
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