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Day 2: Ted Kennedy, et. al. Still Haven't Laid a Glove on Him Supreme Court Hearing Update from the Christian Coalition WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Judge Samuel A. Alito, President Bush's nominee to be the next Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court won hands down in his battle -- in day two of Senate hearings -- against the left-wingers on the Senate Judiciary Committee led by the liberal lion Ted Kennedy. Senator Kennedy didn't lay a glove on Judge Alito even after today's extremely insulting personal attack on the judge. Senators Leahy, Kennedy, Biden, Feinstein, Schumer, and Durbin did their best to force Judge Alito into retracting his positions on abortion, on the infallibility on the U.S. Constitution, on the separation of powers. Judge Alito refused to back down on his opposition to judicial activism when Senator Grassley asked him if judicial activism is ever justified "to create a more just society" as left-wingers believe including countless federal judges who have removed the Pledge of Allegiance from schools, who have given America abortion on demand and the deaths of 40 million unborn children, who have taken God out of the public square. Judge Alito replied, "Well, I think that if the courts do the job that they're supposed to do, they will, we will produce a more just society." And he said, "The Constitution and the constitutional system that we have is designed to produce a just society." Judge Alito in yesterday's testimony said, "But just speaking for myself, I think that it is our job to interpret and to enforce the statutes that Congress passes and not to add to those statutes and not to take away from these statutes." And he said, "The courts do not have the authority to repeal statutes or to amend statutes . . . it is not our job to try to produce particular results. We are not policy-makers and we shouldn't be implementing any sort of policy agenda or policy preferences that we have." There is no doubt he considers that Roe v. Wade was a wrongly decided issue just as even some liberal scholars do. Encouragingly, Judge Alito also condemned the trend by the U.S. Supreme Court of using the constitutions and laws of foreign nations and international laws such as the justice he is replacing, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, does in her court opinions. Judge Alito's are the commonsense remarks which most Americans have been patiently looking for from the judiciary for the past few decades during the explosion of left-wing judicial legislating from the bench. That is the main reason why the American people elected President George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. He promised he would appoint Supreme Court justices in the mold of Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas and he has delivered his promise in the persons of Chief Justice John Roberts and Judge Samuel A. Alito. Judge Alito will indeed be our new Supreme Court Associate Justice considering the tenor of Senator Joe Biden's and Senator Herbert Kohl's questioning. Senator Biden conceded that Judge Alito knew more about these judicial matters than the Senate Judiciary Committee members do since their day job was to concern themselves about the matters of war and other earth-shaking issues. It has been a good two days for the next Supreme Court justice, Samuel A. Alito. The Christian Coalition of America is America’s largest Christian grassroots organization with more than 2 million supporters. The organization’s website may be referenced at: http://www.cc.org
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