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Online Christian Community Re-Launches with Pro-Life Cause Support Jan. 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- In memory of Supreme
Court case Rode v Wade which made abortion legal in the United States,
WTSS.com will contribute 10 cents to the pro-life cause for every person who WTSS.com is the online Christian community where members can build a blog in "colonies" from Bethlehem to the Upper Room focused on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. For each person who becomes a part of the WTSS Christian blogging community during Life Week January 15-22 and maintains their blog for 24 weeks, WTSS will contribute 10 cents toward the material support of the Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids, MI. (up to $5000) A blog is an online journal. WTSS offers its members with 3 Megabytes of space for their own blog, including the ability to create a profile where they can share with anything from their favorite foods to their personal testimony. Something that makes WTSS unique is that people who are inspired by what Christ did at Calvary, can build their blog in the "Calvary" colony or they can build their blog in any of the 32 inspirational places mentioned by the Gospels in the life and ministry of Christ. Even though it started in 1994, the site went offline a year ago due to unscrupulous activity of one of the site's sponsors. The site is still supported by sponsors, but has switched to using third-party ad agencies. "We still have the ability to choose who advertises on the site, keep our rates affordable and keep the ads on the site to a minimum. "This is good for our members who do not like a lot of ads and good for advertisers who do not like to get lost in the clutter." "I'm glad we are in a position to be able to re-launch the site in time for Life Week because supporting work that helps those who are facing a crisis pregnancy make the right choice is reason I originally started the site." Details on the Life Week promo can be found at http://www.IamPro Life.org or at http://www.WTSS.co m W.T.S.S. stands for "where the Son shines" which comes from Matthew 5:16, which inspires the message of WTSS.com of making a difference for the Lord.
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