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01/22/2006 South Dakota Government Agency News Tips for the week of January 23, 2006
Office of the Governor
PIERRE, S.D. – The following are news tips from offices and agencies within South Dakota State Government: Monday, January 23, Hot Springs, 7 p.m. (MST) - The South Dakota Department of Social Services (DSS) will host a public information meeting on RxAccess.sd.gov in the Annex Room at the Mueller Center, located at 801 South 6th Street. RxAccess.sd.gov is a resource that will help people access prescription medications, if they qualify, at low or no cost. Representatives from DSS will inform people of this new initiative and answer any questions about seeking help with prescription drug costs. To find out more, go to RxAccess.sd.gov or call 1-866-854-5465 (toll free). Tuesday, January 24, Pierre, 1 p.m. (CST) – The South Dakota Aeronautics Commission will hold its monthly meeting in the commission room of Becker-Hansen Building. For more information, contact Sharon Anderson 773-5374. Wednesday, January 25, Pierre, 9 a.m. (CST) - The State Plumbing Commission will hold their next regular quarterly meeting at the State Motel conference room, 640 North Euclid. Anyone interested in sitting in on any part or all of this meeting for informational purposes is welcomed to do so. For more information, call 773-3429. Thursday, January 26, Ft. Pierre, 8 a.m. (CST) - The SD Council on Developmental Disabilities will hold its quarterly meeting at the Holiday Inn Express. The agenda includes review of grant applications for the College of Direct Support, Native American Disability Summit 2006, Youth Leadership Forum 2006, Dare to Dream Conference 2006 and Providing Information and Resources. The Council will also review its Annual Report submitted for FFY2005 and discuss the development of a new Five-Year State Plan for 2006-20011. For more information, contact Arlene Poncelet, 773-6369. Thursday, January 26, Sioux Falls, 8 a.m. (CST) - The Board of Pardons and Paroles will hold their monthly meeting at the South Dakota State Penitentiary, Third Floor Conference Room. For more information, contact the Board of Pardons & Paroles, 367-5040. Thursday, January 26, Pierre, 9 a.m. (CST) – The South Dakota Transportation Commission will hold its monthly meeting in the commission room of Becker-Hansen Building. For more information, contact Laura Schoen Carbonneau, 773-5103.
Thursday, January 26, Pierre, 10 a.m. (CST) - The Council of Juvenile
Services will meet at the Solem Public Safety Center Multi-Purpose Room. The
CJS oversees the state's participation in the Juvenile Justice Delinquency
and Prevention Act (JJDPA). For a meeting agenda, visit the Dept. of
Corrections website at:
http://www.state.sd.us/corrections/council_of_juvenile_services_agendas&minutes.htm. Thursday, January 26, Rapid City, 10:30 a.m. (MST) - 249th Aviation Welcome Home Ceremony - A Welcome Home Ceremony will be held for Detachment 3, Company A, 249th Aviation at the Army Aviation Support Facility. Maj. Gen. Michael Gorman, adjutant general, will speak at the ceremony to officially welcome home the Soldiers and recognize the sacrifice made by unit members and their families. The 249th returned from a one-year deployment in Iraq, where the unit provided aviation support to Operation Iraqi Freedom and distinguished itself by being selected as the Army Fixed Wing Unit of the Year. The Army Aviation Association of America selected Company A, 249th Aviation for this accomplishment based on nominations from all Active, Reserve, and National Guard aviation commands. For more information, please contact Maj. Orson Ward, 737-6721. Thursday, January 26, Pierre, 2 p.m. (CST) - Attorney General Larry Long will be hosting Media Day at the new George S. Mickelson Criminal Justice Center, 1302 E. Hwy. 14. Tours of the new building will include general information about various aspects of the lab and training center. At 4 p.m., a Q & A Session with representatives from the agencies housed in the building will run for about an hour. For more information, contact Sara Rabern, 773-3215. Thursday, January 26, Huron, 7 p.m. (CST) - The South Dakota Department of Social Services (DSS) will host a public information meeting on RxAccess.sd.gov at the Holiday Inn Express Conference Room, located at 100 21st Street SW. RxAccess.sd.gov is a resource that will help people access prescription medications, if they qualify, at low or no cost. Representatives from DSS will inform people of this new initiative and answer any questions about seeking help with prescription drug costs. To find out more, go to RxAccess.sd.gov or call 1-866-854-5465 (toll free). Friday, January 27, Pierre, 10 a.m. (CST) - The SD Board of Counselor Examiners will hold a board meeting at the Comfort Inn meeting room, 410 W. Sioux Avenue. Executive Session will begin at 10 a.m. with the general session to follow. The public is welcome to attend the general session. The general session is estimated to begin at 11:30 a.m. (CST). Interested parties may contact the Executive Secretary, 331-2927 or sdbce.msp@midconetwork.com. Friday, January 27, Pierre, 11 a.m. (CST) – Gov. Mike Rounds will hold his weekly legislative press conference from the governor’s large conference room on the 2nd floor of the Capitol. Media outlets not able to attend in person can call 1-888-809-4012 and enter access code 7733213 to join the conference. Please keep phones muted to ensure audio quality. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Friday, January 27, Digital Dakota Network, 3 p.m. (CST) – DENR will conduct a free Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, also known as SARA Title III, compliance workshop. The workshop will be conducted via the Digital Dakota Network from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. CST (2:00 - 4:00 p.m. MST). DDN sites will be available in Aberdeen, Brookings, Madison, Mitchell, Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Spearfish, Vermillion and Watertown. Local emergency planners, first responders, representatives of businesses that handle hazardous materials, and interested members of the public are invited to attend. For more information on the workshops, visit http://www.state.sd.us/denr/DES/Ground/SARATitleIII/PUBNOTICE.pdf or contact Trish Kindt at 1-800-433-2288.
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