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Alito Approved: Family Policy Council Calls on Senator Johnson to Support Nomination SIOUX FALLS – The United States Senate Judiciary
Committee today approved the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito by a "Liberal senators like Ted Kennedy have used the Supreme Court to change our way of life," said South Dakota Family Policy Council executive director Robert Regier. "Expelling God from our schools, redefining marriage, trampling the right to life, and stripping citizens of their private property. "Alito threatens that reign of judicial activism. While disgraceful, it’s no big surprise that Kennedy and liberal activists are attacking him," said Regier. "Alito endured hours of questioning, as well as an unprecedented level of grandstanding, reputation-smearing, and desperate tactics by committee Democrats. In their zeal to defeat him, they’ve injected politics into a process intended to be devoid of it. "My hope is that Senator Johnson makes his decision independent of the pressure from the liberal activists in his party. If the last election proved anything, it’s that South Dakotans reject the extreme measures of the liberal base of the Democratic Party. We want senators who understand that the role of judges is to discover and apply the law, not mold it according to their political objectives," said Regier.
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