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CWA Announces
New President WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned
Women for America (CWA) announced today the appointment of Wendy Wright as
its new President. The Board of Trustees "Wendy is an incisive policy strategist and eloquent spokesman for the issues we all care deeply about. Her leadership in defense of the family and the most vulnerable victims of the culture war is well-known," said Beverly LaHaye, CWA’s founder and chairman. "But, what has always impressed me most is Wendy’s consistent Christian commitment and integrity. That combined with a striking humility make a unique presence in the halls of power here in Washington and at the United Nations where she has served with such dignity. "CWA will benefit from Wendy’s gracious acceptance of this appointment and I look forward to working closely with her." Since she joined CWA in 1999, Miss Wright has specialized in pro-life issues and worked with all six core areas of concern to CWA: sanctity of life, definition of the family, religious liberty, pornography, education and national sovereignty. She serves as CWA’s representative at the United Nations and played a key role in earning CWA’s nongovernmental organization (NGO) status there. Wright has been an eloquent communicator throughout her public policy career, which includes positions at the television outreach arm of Free Congress Foundation and as an Operation Rescue spokesman. Wright has worked on political campaigns and volunteered with community programs. She taught English at a national Bible college in Sri Lanka and served as a short-term missionary there. "I am excited about CWA’s future and am honored to walk side-by-side with Beverly LaHaye in our efforts to make a difference for all Americans. CWA’s vision is one I’ve long shared – ‘for women and like-minded men from all walks of life to come together and restore the family to its traditional purpose and thereby allow each member of the family to realize their God-given potential and be more responsible citizens.’" Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
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