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CWA: On with
the Vote-Phony Filibuster Attempt Fails WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned "Senators did what is necessary in order to give Judge Alito an ‘up’ or ‘down’ vote tomorrow morning," said Jan LaRue, CWA’s Chief Counsel. "The idea of filibustering a fine nominee like Judge Alito is beyond ridiculous—it’s an abuse of the advice-and-consent process and defies the will of the American people. "There is absolutely nothing in Judge Alito’s past, present or foreseeable future that would justify the first-ever filibuster of a Supreme Court nominee in U.S. history. Everything we have learned about this man confirms the fact that he should be seated on the Supreme Court. "We look forward to a final Senate vote tomorrow morning so that we can welcome Judge Alito as our next Supreme Court Justice." Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
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