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After Civil
Trial Jesse Jackson Claims 'Giant Right Wing Conspiracy' to Destroy Him LOS ANGELES, Jan. 31 /Christian Newswire/ -- A California jury ruled Friday that Jesse Jackson was not liable in the assault and violation of civil rights lawsuit filed against him four years ago by Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND) Founder and President Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. The jury was deadlocked for two days on all counts against Jesse Jackson, his son Jonathan Jackson, and Rainbow Push. At the conclusion of trial, the jury remained hung on the assault charges against Jonathan Jackson. Rev. Peterson said: "I'd like to thank my legal team from Judicial Watch who did an outstanding job of representing me and ensuring that the truth was heard in this case. Despite the ruling, I know that we did the right thing in taking this case to trial. Jackson and his ACLU-trained lawyer used every legal tactic to prevent me from having my day in court. Ultimately he had to answer for his actions." Despite credible witness testimony corroborating Rev. Peterson's accounts of the attack perpetrated on him by the Jacksons, Jesse Jackson took the witness stand, never looked at the jurors and lied under oath. Throughout the trial Jesse Jackson, Jonathan Jackson, and their witnesses repeatedly perjured themselves. Among other outlandish claims, Jackson stated that this trial was part of a "giant right wing conspiracy" designed by Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and the neo-conservatives to destroy him and his organization. Rev. Peterson added: "Despite Jesse Jackson's lies, this case has always been about accountability and holding Jackson and his thugs responsible for their violent and reckless actions at a Toyota business meeting. I wanted to have my day in court to let Jackson know that in America no one is above the law. I'm very satisfied in knowing that I did my part and that I told the absolute truth." After the trial several members of the jury stated as quoted in the Los Angeles Times Saturday (1/28/06) that they didn't believe Jesse Jackson and the defense witnesses. The jurors stated that they believed Rev. Peterson's account but were swayed and confused by another juror who was a defense attorney and pro-Jackson. They said this attorney convinced them there wasn't enough evidence to rule in Rev. Peterson's favor. Rev. Peterson is considering appropriate follow up legal action in this case.
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