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CWA Salutes
Samuel Alito on His Confirmation WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned
Women for America (CWA) embraces Judge Samuel Alito as the next United
States Supreme Court Justice, after receiving a favorable 58 to 42 vote from
the Senate.
"Americans can rest assured knowing that we have one more highly qualified justice on the Supreme Court who is deeply committed to the written Constitution and the rule of law," said Jan LaRue, CWA’s Chief Counsel. "Judge Alito is everything a judge should be and I am confident he will rule with both integrity and respect for the rights of every American. "It’s tragic that Judge Alito and his family had to endure such outrageous treatment by some members of the Senate. The Alitos have my sincerest admiration and respect for the courage and dignity they displayed throughout the process. "The relentless attacks of his character and competence were completely unjustified. Fortunately, the liberals’ tactics only revealed their sheer desperation. The truth prevailed, and Judge Alito was able to leave the hearings with his head held high, having gained even greater respect from the American people. "We can all be proud and gratified knowing that Judge Alito will be seated on the highest court of our land. This is truly a great day for Americans. "Finally, the Phillies' greatest fan gets to sit on the bench in the major league. The Court roster is looking much better with one less switch-hitter." Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
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