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CWA’s Crouse Releases Preview of What the President Should Say in his State of the Union Address WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned
Women for America’s (CWA’s) Dr. Janice Dr. Crouse says, "The American people want to see and hear a confident President who is tackling the nation’s problems with vigor and from a position of strength –– in spite of the bitter partisan attacks in recent months." Crouse continues, "In short, the President must be seen as shaping contemporary and future events both in terms of foreign policy and domestic policy. The President’s challenge will be to make the content significant, the words memorable and the tone compelling –– no small task for a President with approval ratings in the 40s. This President has, in the past, risen to the occasion; perhaps this speech will provide the impetus he needs to get the nation behind him and the poll numbers back on track." Click http://www.cwfa.org/articles/10025/BLI/ reports/index.htm to read Dr. Crouse’s full article on the President’s State of the Union Address. This article can also be found on Human Events Online. Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
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