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Repent America
to Bring Creation Seminar to Dover Area High School
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 2 /Christian
Newswire/ -- Repent America (RA), a Philadelphia-based evangelistic
organization, is bringing a creation seminar to the Dover Area High School
next month, featuring The Dover Area School District became known for its support of intelligent design by ensuring that students were informed that evolution is “not a fact.” However, a federal judge ruled the practice unconstitutional because of the possibility that students might come to the conclusion that the intelligent designer is the God of the Bible. In addition, all of the intelligent design school board members were voted out this past election, adding to the disaster in Dover. “The school board has been taken over by evolutionists who refuse to continue the legal battle for truth, and who once again are teaching students the lie of evolution as fact,” stated Repent America director Michael Marcavage. “We must not abandon the schoolchildren of America in indoctrination chambers, but fight for the truth to be presented to those trapped inside its walls. Repent America is coming to Dover Area High School to do just that,” Marcavage continued. Dr. Kent Hovind, who is considered one of the foremost authorities on science and the Bible, will be the event’s guest speaker. The former high school science teacher turned evangelist speaks over 700 times each year in public and private schools, universities and churches. He has debated evolutionists at many universities across the country and is dedicated to the proclamation of factual, scientific evidence supporting the Biblical record of creation and history of the world. “Kent Hovind’s exciting, fact-filled presentations are extremely informative and highly educational, which will impact the lives of all those who attend,” Marcavage stated. “Christians will be strengthened in their faith while the most devout evolutionists will sit up and take notice,” he continued. “The event was initially scheduled to be conducted in a debate format, but every evolutionist we contacted so far has refused to participate,” Marcavage continued. “Evolutionists lay low when they actually have to defend their beliefs, but when the floor is only open to them they will do whatever they can to tell fables,” he concluded. The two-day seminar will be held in the auditorium of the Dover Area High School on Friday, March 17 at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 18 at 10:30 a.m. The event is open to the public and admission is free.
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