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National Coalition of Pastors' Spouses Salute a Legend MEMPHIS, Tenn., Feb. 2 /Christian Wire Service/ -- The
National Coalition of Pastors’ Spouses (NCPS), its Board of Directors, and
our many parishioners today express their deep sorrow at the death of the
First Lady of Civil Rights, Mrs “Not only did Mrs. King serve as a pastor’s spouse to congregants at Ebenezer Baptist Church and Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, she served as the premier pastor’s spouse to this nation, and the world,” said Vivian Berryhill, president and founder of the National Coalition of Pastors’ Spouses (NCPS). Mrs. King partnered with many in pursuit of a long march of building the freedom and liberties of all people, transcending racial and cultural boundaries. “She left her fingerprints on NCPS and the country’s march towards progress and civil rights. Her support of her husband’s ministry, his dream, and the beloved people of our country is a testament and an example to pastors’ spouses around the globe,” Berryhill added. The National Coalition of Pastors’ Spouses offers sincere condolences to Mrs. King’s immediate family members, four children in all: Yolanda; Martin Luther, III; Dexter; and Bernice as we salute Mrs. Coretta Scott King––a legend. The National Coalition of Pastors’ Spouses, (NCPS) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan multi-denominational network of 2,500+ clergy spouses, committed to raising awareness and addressing health disparities across this nation.
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