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Presents the Hard Choices Facing the Pro-Family Cause ROCKFORD, Ill., Feb. 2 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Dr.
Allan C. Carlson, President of The Howard Carlson is one of eight of America's leading conservative thinkers being hosted by Regent University in the nation's first symposium on "The Future of American Conservatism.” Questions to be discussed during the day long symposium include: What defines "conservative”? Is the Reagan Revolution still alive? What will the future of conservatism look like? The other speakers who will participate in the symposium are: Michael Barone (Senior Writer, U.S. News & World Report), James Ceaser (Professor, University of Virginia), William Kristol (Editor, The Weekly Standard), Peter Lawler (Chair, Department of Government and International Studies, Berry College), Harvey Mansfield (Professor, Harvard University), George H. Nash (Independent scholar, historian and lecturer) and Marvin Olasky (Editor, World magazine). Dr. Carlson is the author of many books, including “Fractured Generations: Crafting Family Policy for the 21st Century,” “The American Way: Family and Community In the Shaping of the American Identity” and “Family Questions: Reflections on the American Social Crisis.” The Washington Post, Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and numerous other publications have featured his writings. He has also appeared on PBS News Hour, NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered, Voice of America, ABC, CBS, and NBC News, MSNBC, CNN, and C-SPAN. For Carlson’s complete bio visit: http://www.profam.org/people/xthc_acc.htm. Register for the symposium at: http://www.regent.edu/acad/sc hgov/conservatism_new/home.html. . The Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society is an independent, non-profit research and education center that strives to be the leading source of fresh ideas and new strategies for affirmation and defense of the natural family, both nationally and globally. The Howard Center is also the founder and organizer of the World Congress of Families project which unites people of goodwill who recognize that the family is the fundamental unit of society and coordinates the efforts of pro-family groups from more the 60 countries worldwide. More information is available at www.profam.org and www.worldcon gress.org .
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