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AG Kline to
Testify in Child Sex Abuse Reporting Case
WICHITA, Kansas, Feb. 3
/Christian Wire Service/ -- Attorney General At issue in the court case, known as Aid for Women v. Nola Foulston, is an opinion issued by Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline in 2004 that indicated that since it is illegal in the State of Kansas for a child under 16 to engage in sexual conduct, such cases, classified as statutory rape, must be reported to social services authorities. This opinion apparently did not sit well with certain mandatory reporters, such as abortionists and social workers. A suit was brought by 14 “health professionals” – including three abortionists and two abortion mill nurses – who challenged the Kansas law that mandates health care professionals to report incidents of “significant sexual conduct” in children under 16. Operation Rescue court observers report that for three days, the plaintiffs presented their case that consisted of carefully rehearsed, and in some instances obviously memorized, testimony from abortionists, a self-avowed feminist social worker, an other witnesses that included conclusions that sexual intercourse in children as young as 10 years old was “not necessarily injurious.” Operation Rescue observers described the testimony as sometimes arrogant, shocking, and even openly contemptuous toward defense attorneys representing Attorney General Kline. Operation Rescue observers will be present during the trial and are available for comment. Read more about the AFW v. Foulston trial... Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian organizations in the nation. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre- born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
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