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Three More
Rural Churches Burned in Alabama After Five were Burned Last Week WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christian
leaders call for the Bush Administration and the Department of The Christian Defense Coalition and the National Clergy Council were in Alabama this past weekend to tour the burned churches and help establish a national fund for their rebuilding. Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "With these new church burnings, the faith community calls upon the Bush Administration and the Department of Justice to use every resource possible to apprehend those behind the fires. It must be stressed that when a church building is burned, it is more than just an attack on a building. It is an attack up the core values that church represents and an attack upon religion itself. Americans must all work together to ensure places of worship are honored and protected regardless of the faith tradition they embrace." We encourage people to send donations to: Bibb County Baptist Association PO Box 158 Centerville, AL 35042
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