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NARTH Publishes
Report on Mental Health Organizations and Gay Advocacy ENCINO, Calif., Feb. 9 /Christian Newswire/ --
National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality has
just "We are pleased to be releasing Dr. Satinover's paper at this time," said Dr. A. Dean Byrd, "This paper, by an acknowledged expert in the field, clearly shows how the mental health guilds have been co-opted by gay activists into using scientific studies for political and social objectives--not for the pursuit of truth. "Dr. Satinover's paper carefully details the history of the American Psychiatric Association's removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). He also shows how gay advocates have created fraudulent studies and misused, misquoted, and mischaracterized other research studies for political gain. These reports are frequently used in court cases to bring about victories for gay activism. "The Trojan Couch" clearly demonstrates that APA- sponsored amicus briefs on gay marriage and other gay-related issues, include faulty research studies to promote the social acceptance of homosexuality. Dr. Satinover's work is must reading for legislators and other community leaders who are being asked to legitimize homosexual conduct," said Dr. Byrd. *Dr. Satinover is author of Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth.
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