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'What Would
Mohammed Do?'
LONG ISLAND, New York, Feb. 9 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Randall Terry will deliver a seminar entitled: "What Would Mohammed Do?” on Saturday, February 11 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Malvern, Long Island. The seminar will be held at The Church of the Intercessor, located at 50 St. Thomas Place. Admission is free; the public and the press are invited to attend. Special invitation to New York City area journalists from Randall Terry: “Hello Journalists and Reporters. When the 9/11 attacks took place, I, like many of you, bought two copies of the Quran and two books on Islamic history. The more I read, the more I realized that I did not understand Islam. In the late spring of 2004, after much soul-searching, I decided to take a sabbatical from my activist work, return to school, and immerse myself in a study of Islam. With the exception of helping the family of Terry Schiavo, I maintained that objective. “After a year and a half of intensive study of Islam in general and the life of Mohammed in particular, I'm prepared to share some of my findings. I promise you that it will be very beneficial to you as a journalist, and enriching to you as an individual to share in what I have learned. My goal is to help give you the tools to better cover the stories related to Islam and Islamic nations. “Please note this: I have not read books written by the detractors of Islam. I have not studied the works of those who do not believe in Mohammed. I have studied Islam on Islam's terms, using the most revered historical works available in English, and reading the recent works of those dedicated to the religion of Islam. If at all possible, I hope you will join me. I promise that you will not be disappointed.” Randall Terry will be available for interview before the seminar begins, during breaks, and after the seminar is completed. Topics to be covered in the “What Would Mohammed Do?” seminar include: The Beginnings of Islam. The Quran: An Overview of Islam's Holy Book. Similarities and Differences between Christ and Mohamed. Islam's turn to violence. When did it happen, and what impact did it have on Islam? The Life of Mohammed – the key to understanding Islam. What are the Hadith, the Sunna, the Traditions, and the Shari'a? What role do they play in Islam? What is the connection between Mohammed, Assassinations, and Beheadings? What then shall we do as individuals and as a nation? Randall Terry has spent the last year and a half studying Islam. His studies have included: beginning his Arabic studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus Campus; college courses on Islamic history and sociology; spending seven weeks studying historic sites in Jerusalem, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, and Greece; doing extensive research in Islamic primary sources for a lengthy project comparing Christ and Mohamed. Mr. Terry is the author of five published books; he is currently the President of the Society for Truth and Justice. Randall Terry has a B.A. (with a concentration in communications) from the State University of New York; a B.A. from Whitfield College School of Religion; and a three-year degree from Elim Bible Institute, majoring in The Bible (Old and New Testament). His theological and communications background provide a unique vantage point from which to study and discuss the religion, history, and sociology of Islam.
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