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CWA Reacts to
FCC's New Report: Congress Must Act on Cable Choice Feb. 9 -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) reacted today
to an important step forward in its campaign for cable choice, or a la carte
pricing, in the cable market. This morning the Federal "Today's report is exactly what consumers have been waiting for," said Lanier Swann, CWA’s Director of Government Relations. "The FCC puts the lie to cable magnates’ wild claims that a la carte would cost consumers more money and was not economically feasible. That argument has fallen flat on its face now that the FCC has shown that consumers could save up to 13 percent on their monthly cable bill. Consumers are tired of paying for indecent programming. Now the FCC has shown that a la carte offers a viable solution. "Cable choice goes straight to the heart of the matter—customer satisfaction. Customers can choose the channels they want and avoid paying for offensive programming, all while saving a few dollars on their cable bill. "What CWA has been saying all along has now been confirmed, a la carte pricing will not only put choice back into consumer's hands, it will also put a few dollars there as well. Congress has no excuse not to act. CWA’s polls show public support for cable choice and the research confirms the public’s good sense. "The FCC’s new findings and the grassroots momentum behind this issue will help propel cable choice legislation through Congress. After reviewing the FCC report, Congress has an obligation to act immediately." Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
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