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After Supreme
Court Takes Up Ban on Partial-Birth Abortion Case, Christian Coalition Says:
'Elections Have Consequences'
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 /Christian
Newswire/ -- The Supreme Court announced today that The President of the Christian Coalition of America, Roberta Combs said, "Today's decision by the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of the ban on partial birth abortion gives evidence to the fact that elections have consequences. President Bush promised in both 2000 and 2004 that his Supreme Court nominees would be conservative and he delivered on that promise. We are confident that his second nominee, Justice Samuel A. Alito, will vote -- unlike the justice he replaced, Sandra Day O'Connor -- to uphold the ban on partial birth abortions and this terrible practice will finally be ended." The Supreme Court will hear the arguments for and against the 2003 law banning partial birth abortions later this Fall and the court's probable 5-4 decision upholding such a law will probably be issued before the 2006 elections.
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