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NPLAC Urges Supreme Court to Begin Turning the Tide of the Roe and Doe Legacies with PBA Ban Review WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 Paul Chaim Schenck, director of the National Pro-Life Action Center (NPLAC) — the uncompromising voice of pro-life America on Capitol Hill—and Stephen G. Peroutka, Esq., NPLAC chairman and a Maryland attorney, have issued the following joint statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to review the ban on the gruesome dilation and extraction abortion procedure, commonly referred to as partial birth abortion: “By agreeing to review the case involving the heinous partial birth abortion procedure, the Supreme Court has a tremendous opportunity to begin reversing the damage wreaked upon our country and our posterity by the flawed Roe and Doe decisions and their progeny, including Carhart. “Numerous prominent ob/gyns, including NARAL’s co- founder and former abortionist, Dr. Bernard Nathenson, have noted that the partial birth abortion procedure is never medically necessary and is, in fact, a greater threat to the life and health of the mother than carrying the child to term. “It is also important to recognize the barbaric nature of this procedure, which requires the mother to endure the entire birthing process until crowning, then inserting a sharp tool into the back of the child’s skull, killing the child by evacuating its brain and then completing the delivery process. This is nothing short of infanticide. “Any support for this brutal procedure has absolutely nothing to do with concern for women’s health, but everything to do with perpetuating the culture of death in our society and strengthening the abortion industry’s bottom line. “This review grants the Supreme Court the opportunity to restore the constitutional foundation of our system of law and justice, and protect the rights of all Americans—born and unborn. “While the partial birth abortion procedure is graphically disturbing, it is no different than every other form of abortion. A successful abortion always takes the life of an innocent unborn child and is always wrong. “As recent scientific studies continue to demonstrate, each abortion leaves no less than two victims in its wake: a dead child and a mother convinced to be complicit in the murder of her own baby. Women and children deserve far better than this.”
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