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SD Stockgrowers Circulate Petition to Stop Mandatory Animal ID Members of the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association (SDSGA) are asking friends and neighbors across the state to sign a petition opposing the implementation of a mandatory national animal identification program. The Stockgrowers gained over 300 signatures during the
Black Hills Stock Show but don’t plan to According to Fox, members and directors of SDSGA are taking petitions to bull sales and other events to obtain signatures. Several South Dakota auction markets are also helping to gather signatures. “We’re trying to contact all cattle producers who are opposed to the excessive cost and regulation that a mandatory program would include, and asking them to sign our petition. Then we plan to share our petitions with USDA and our elected officials to help them understand the level of opposition in the heart of cattle country,” said Fox. Fox added that if any producers have not had the chance to sign a petition or would like to circulate one, they may contact Carrie Stadheim at the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association office at 605-342-0429 or carrie.sdsga@midconetwork.com.
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