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02/26/2006 SD Government News Tips for the week of February 27, 2006 PIERRE, S.D. – The following are news tips from offices and agencies within South Dakota State Government: Saturday-Monday, February 25-27, Washington, D.C. – Gov. Mike Rounds will attend the National Governor’s Association Winter Meeting. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Monday, February 27, Mitchell (4 week class) - The Department of Labor’s MitchellCareerCenter, in conjunction with CornerstonesCareerLearningCenter, is offering a 64-hour basic welding class. Participants will learn welding skills desired by many Mitchell area manufacturers. Areas of instruction include math for welders, the basics of blueprint reading, learning fundamental welding symbols, safety on the job, and hands on experience in shielded metal arc and pulse process welding. This is a four week course to be held each Monday and Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. and each Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $580 and scholarships are available for those who qualify. For more information, contact the MitchellCareerCenter, 995-8060. Tuesday, February 28, Mitchell, 8:30 a.m. (CST) - The Department of Labor's MitchellCareerLearningCenter is offering a career development class at the South DakotaCareerCenter conference room located at 1321 North Main. The workshop will cover: assessing skills, abilities and strengths; how to and where to look for work; interviewing techniques; job retention/employee loyalty; setting career goals; and written communications, including resume writing, cover letter development, and applications. This workshop is provided at no charge. To register, call 995-8060. Tuesday, February 28, Lake Benton, Minn.10:30 a.m. (CST) – DENR Geological Survey Program staff will make a brief presentation on the results of water-level monitoring near LakeCochrane in Deuel County, South Dakota. The monitoring is being done to ensure compliance by the Lincoln-Pipestone Rural Water System in Minnesota with their permit requirements from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The meeting is being sponsored by the rural water system and is their annual Operations & Contingency Plan Update meeting. The meeting location is at the rural water office on East Highway 14 in Lake Benton, Minn. For more information, contact Derric Iles, DENR Geological Survey Program, 677-5227. Tuesday, February 28, Pierre, 1:30 p.m. (CST) - The State Aeronautics Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting via teleconference. The call will originate out of the DOT Commission Room in the Becker-HansenBuilding. For information, contact Jenny Clements, 773-4430. Wednesday, March 1, Mitchell, 10:30 a.m. (CST) – Gov. Mike Rounds will participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the expansion of AKG Midwest, Inc. located at 925 West Quince. AKG, a Germany-based manufacturer of cooling systems and heat exchangers, injected more than $7 million in capital investment with its Mitchell expansion. The ribbon cutting will be followed by an open house. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212 or Sarah Van Berkum, sarah.vanberkum@state.sd.us, or 773-3301. Wednesday, March 1, Sioux Falls, 2 p.m. (CST) – Gov. Mike Rounds will attend the deployment ceremony for 16 soldiers of the 147th Field Artillery Brigade, SDARNG, being held at the Multi-Cultural Center, 515 N. Main Ave. Maj. Gen. Michael Gorman, adjutant general, as well as military and civic leaders will speak at the ceremony to commend the Soldiers and their families for their willingness to serve their state and nation in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. For more information, please contact Maj. Orson Ward, SDNG PAO, 737-6721, orMark Johnston, 773-3212. Thursday, March 2, Sioux Falls, 10 a.m. (CST) - The Certification Board for Alcohol and Drug Professionals Board of Directors meeting will be held at the Park Place Center. Public input will begin at 10:30 am. For additional information, please contact Tina at the CBADP, 332-2645. Thursday-Friday, March 2-3, Chamberlain, 10 a.m. (CST) - The Game, Fish and Parks Commission will hold its March meeting at the Cedar Shore Resort. A public hearing will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. with regard to special buck deer licenses, public water zoning modifications, repeal of four refuges, restrictions on use of firearms and bows and a park entrance license exemption. Recommendations will be made for establishing several 2006 big game and small game seasons. For more information, visit http://www.sdgfp.info/Commission/Index.htm or contact Jeanette Gourneau, 773-3718. Thursday, March 2, Pierre, 10:30 a.m. (CST) - The Water Management Board will consider a declaratory ruling request on a Battle Creek bypass order, violations for failure to report on irrigation questionnaires, several water permit applications, and findings of fact, conclusions of law and final decision in the matter of a water right permit for Richard Niehoff when the board meets at the Floyd Matthew Training Center, 523 East Capitol Avenue. Among the water permit applications for board consideration are four applications from Bixler Farms near Hitchcock. For a complete agenda, visit www.state.sd.us/denr/Boards/2006/wmb0306.pdf. For more information, contact Eric Gronlund, DENR, 773-3352.
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