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Good Morning
Taxpayer - The Tax and Spending (TAS) Report NOTE: This report contains Day 31 and Day 32 The Joint Appropriations Committee met for the last time before veto day. The committee heard the UJS methamphetamine report, and each of the subcommittees gave their final reports. In Session, the House considered five bills. SB 165, which is an emergency appropriation of $0.24 million to the SD Energy Infrastructure Authority, and SB 202, which allocates $2.3 million in emergency funds to K-12 and tech schools to help them pay for heating costs, both passed. Also passing were SB 143, which appropriates $1 million dollars in emergency money to the state fair, SB 168, which provides $1 million for enhancement of secondary career and technical education, and SB 198, which appropriates $2.8 million for repealing certain provisions regarding the reduction in state aid to education. The Senate heard six bills today. HB 1055, which appropriates $1 for trade representation in China, HB 1090, which appropriates $70,000 in compensation money to the Lemon and McIntosh School Districts for consolidating, and HB 1175, which provides $7.5 million for education enrichment, all passed the Senate by a wide margin. HB 1238, which allows the BOR to acquire land in Sioux Falls to expand the USDSU campus, was passed along with HB 1240, which is a $1.3 million transfer from the RR Trust Fund to help low income families with energy costs, and HB 1244, which is a $1 transfer from the Property Tax Reduction Fund to the BOR. The Bottom Line Is: Total for the Session - total of $3,065.1 million Special Appropriations... Signed by the Governor: HB 1014 - Remodels locker rooms at SDSMT - $0.45 million HB 1087 - Money for N. Crops Institute - $0.05 million HB 1089 - Money for Vietnam War Memorial - $0.1 million HB 1038 - Reimburse Doctors & Dentists - $0.1 million HB 1239 - Water Projects - $10.2 million HB 1243 - School consolidation incentives - $0.5 million SB 2 - New Judgeship in 2nd Circuit - $0.19 million SB 20 - Dairy plant at SDSU - $4 million SB 21 - Manure separator in Brookings - $0.114 million SB 23 - Feed storage at research farm - $0.02 million SB 204 - Soil Conservation Fund - $0.6 million Passed Both House and Senate: HB 1013 - BOR Title IX renovations - $0.3 million SB 1103 - Money for M&R at Tech Schools - $0.36 million Passed House: HB 1090 - School compensatory payments - $0.16 million HB 1175 - Fund ED enrichment - $2.8 million HB 1237 - Tax refunds for elderly, disabled - $1 million HB 1238 - BOR Sioux Falls land purchase - $5.8 million SB 143 - Appropriation to State Fair - $ 1 million LEGISLATIVE DAY THIRTY TWO Good Morning Taxpayer - The Tax and Spending (TAS) Report Both the House and Senate considered bills which had been amended by the other house today. The House concurred with the amendments to HB 1015, the bill allowing the BOR to acquire an equestrian facility at SDSU. The House deferred HB 1020, and concurred and passed HB 1143, which allocates $2 million to renovate Wecota Hall at SDSU. The Senate considered and passed SB 19, which revises the General Appropriations Bill departmental allocations with regards to the BOR and DOC. The Senate did not concur on the amendment made by the House to SB 153, which transfers $30 million from the Railroad Trust Fund to the Property Tax Reduction Fund. As a result, a conference committee was set up to adjust the differences. Lastly, SB 198, which appropriates $2.8 million to education enrichment, was concurred on by the Senate. The Bottom Line Is: Total for the Session - total of $3,065.1 million Special Appropriations... Signed by the Governor: HB 1014 - Remodels locker rooms at SDSMT - $0.45 million HB 1087 - Money for N. Crops Institute - $0.05 million HB 1089 - Money for Vietnam War Memorial - $0.1 million HB 1038 - Reimburse Doctors & Dentists - $0.1 million HB 1239 - Water Projects - $10.2 million HB 1243 - School consolidation incentives - $0.5 million SB 2 - New Judgeship in 2nd Circuit - $0.19 million SB 20 - Dairy plant at SDSU - $4 million SB 21 - Manure separator in Brookings - $0.114 million SB 23 - Feed storage at research farm - $0.02 million SB 204 - Soil Conservation Fund - $0.6 million HB 1090 - School compensatory payments - $0.16 million HB 1175 - Fund ED enrichment - $2.8 million HB 1237 - Tax refunds for elderly, disabled - $1 million Passed Both House and Senate: HB 1013 - BOR Title IX renovations - $0.3 million SB 1103 - Money for M&R at Tech Schools - $0.36 million HB 1090 - School compensatory payments - $0.16 million HB 1175 - Fund ED enrichment - $2.8 million HB 1237 - Tax refunds for elderly, disabled - $1 million HB 1238 - BOR Sioux Falls land purchase - $5.8 million Passed House: SB 143 - Appropriation to State Fair - $ 1 million Specific facts and figures cited in the Good Morning Taxpayer - TAS Report have all been obtained through the official Legislative website, http://legis.state.sd.us and by attendance at the daily committee meetings.
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