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02/28/2006 R-CALF: Just Days After ‘Washington Stampede’ - South
Dakota Producer’s Enthusiasm Still Soaring (Billings, Mont.) – Just days have passed since more than 70 cattle producers from at least 20 different states traveled to Capitol Hill for a two-day blitz dubbed the “Washington Stampede” to talk with more than 100 Senators, Representatives and Administration officials about several issues important to the U.S. cattle industry. Those topics of concern include: the implementation of Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling (M-COOL); the upward harmonization of BSE standards; support of the “perishable and cyclical items” provision and inclusion of safeguards for cattle and beef in free trade agreements (FTAs); and a request of Congress to enforce and strengthen the Packers and Stockyards Act (PSA). Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns met with several R-CALF USA members, staff and leaders, as did several other U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials whose duties impact domestic cattle operations – namely USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), the agency’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), as well as USDA’s Animal ID and Beef Checkoff Coordinators. R-CALF USA representatives also spent time with the administrator of USDA's Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA), the chief agriculture negotiator at the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR’s) office, and highly placed officials in the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Danni Beer, a rancher from Keldron, S.D., has chaired R-CALF USA’s Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) Committee for years, and said just because that particular law has been delayed a few times, R-CALF USA members are going to work harder than ever to make certain the program is implemented on schedule – by September 30 of this year. “This first Stampede was simply outstanding, and the interaction between producers, elected officials and government officials needs to continue,” Beer said. “No one tells the story of cow/calf producers and cattle feeders better than the people who make their living in it. “We will continue to have open dialogue with the people we met to achieve the goals set by R-CALF membership,” she noted. “These types of trips give us one form of communication with decision makers, and I hope that each and every R-CALF member makes the time to call or e-mail their elected officials about legislation that is helpful for their businesses.” At a wrap-up meeting after the two-day session, R-CALF USA President and Region V Director Chuck Kiker, of Beaumont, Texas, congratulated everyone on a job well done, and sincerely thanked them for pulling together to make the Stampede such a tremendous success. “Your actions here have brought even more credibility to this organization, and folks, we’re going to build the cattle industry into something you can make a decent living doing,” Kiker said with a smile on his face and the gleam of optimism in his eyes. “We’re going to make sure your kids and grandkids can make a living ranching, if that’s what they want to do. “We’d like to thank Secretary Johanns, as well as several under secretaries and staff, for listening to our concerns on various issues facing the cattle industry and their responsiveness to our thoughts on those issues,” Kiker said. R-CALF USA Director of Government Relations Jess Peterson said throughout the two-day event, it was great to see all the cowboy hats on Capitol Hill, and he couldn’t thank the members of R-CALF USA enough, especially when they paid their own way to participate and had to be away from their ranches during this busy time of year. “We had some really great meetings,” Peterson told R-CALF members. “These folks in Washington want to hear from you, so it’s important for us to keep sitting down with them to continue that dialogue, to let them know we’re here and what issues are important to our industry.” R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard told members the Stampede was history in the making. “What you have demonstrated during the Stampede is that there are real people whose lives are affected by the issues we’ve been bringing forward to Washington now for a number of years, and the synergy that develops from each and every one of the visits you made during these last two days will elevate the stature of these issues, and the people you spoke with will remember these meetings for a long time to come,” Bullard said. “What you’ve done is establish one solid foundation that we will continue to build upon throughout the year to advance these issues. “We were here because you folks are sincere and committed about improving your industry and supporting what Congress is all about – and that’s the maintenance of a free enterprise system – a system that promotes and facilitates an open and competitive marketplace,” Bullard continued. “R-CALF USA members are the ones delivering that message, and it’s one powerful message.” # # # R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) represents thousands of U.S. cattle producers on domestic and international trade and marketing issues. R-CALF USA, a national, non-profit organization, is dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. R-CALF USA’s membership consists primarily of cow/calf operators, cattle backgrounders, and feedlot owners. Its members – over 18,000 strong – are located in 47 states, and the organization has over 60 local and state association affiliates, from both cattle and farm organizations. Various main street businesses are associate members of R-CALF USA. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or, call 406-252-2516.
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