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Luncheons to Focus on Western Sahara Crisis WASHINGTON, Mar. 7 -- The National Clergy Council based in Washington, DC, will this month host a series of three complementary luncheon meetings in Trenton, New Jersey, Sarasota and Jacksonville, Florida, to focus attention on the little-known and unresolved humanitarian crisis in the Western Sahara region of North Africa. Pastors of every Christian tradition and denomination and their spouses and staff members are invited. Christian media executives and producers, principals of organizations and academics are also urged to attend. There is no cost for the elegant meal or two- hour program. Reservations are open to the first 60 respondents. The luncheons are not fundraising efforts and no appeal will be made for financial contributions at the events or in the future. Attendees will learn about the abuse of tens of thousands of refugees and the forced abductions of their children as recruits for a once Cuban-backed Marxist revolution in the region. Many of these children, now adults, remain separated from their families. The program will include a visiting delegation from the Western Sahara. Members will tell their own compelling stories. Attendees will also learn of the extraordinary invitation to American church leaders to assist in a non-financial way in resolving this conflict and relieving the suffering of massive numbers of victims. "Christians in America have an historic opportunity to respond to this desperate plea," said Rev. Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), president of the National Clergy Council and coordinator of the luncheon events. "The Bible says in Proverbs 3:21, 'Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.'" Rev. Schenck recently toured the Western Sahara region and hosted victims and family members at the National Clergy Council headquarters in Washington, DC. Reservations may be made for up to a party of six by calling Allyson Black at 202-546-8329, extension 104 (reservation calls only) or by E-mail at reservations@nationalclergycouncil.org. Please provide your name, address, day and evening telephone numbers, E-mail address and number in your party. Reserved parties are asked to be certain of their schedules because the nature of this event requires that no-shows and cancellations later than five days in advance of the event be billed to the responsible party at $75 per person. Members of the media are welcome to attend. For reporters, a news conference will follow each event. For additional information please contact Mr. Tanie Guy at tanie@forgetmenotministries.org. SCHEDULE OF LUNCHEON EVENTS--- Trenton, New Jersey Tuesday, March 21, 2006 Trenton Marriott, 1 West Lafayette Street, Trenton, NJ 08608, 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Sarasota, Florida Wednesday, March 22, 2006 Ritz Carlton, 1111 Ritz-Carlton Dr., Sarasota, FL 34236, 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Jacksonville, Florida Thursday, March 23, 2006 Jacksonville Marriott, 4670 Salisbury Road, Jacksonville, FL 32256, 12:00 to 2:00 pm.
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