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South Dakota State Government News Tips for the week of March 20, 2006 PIERRE, S.D. – The following are news tips from offices and agencies within South Dakota State Government: Monday-Tuesday, March 20-21, Pierre, 9 a.m. (CST) - The South Dakota Board of Education will meet at the KneipBuilding (Conference Room 3). The board will hear about plans for a statewide math initiative, results of the 2005 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and the Department of Education's application to be a pilot growth-model state under No Child Left Behind. The state's four technical institutes also will present budget information. For an agenda, including the list of public hearings, visit doe.sd.gov/secretary/board/schedule.asp. For more information, contact Mary Stadick Smith, Department of Education, 773-7228. Monday, March 20, Brookings, 11:30 a.m. (CST) – The Governor’s Office of Economic Development Director Jafar Karim will speak at Vision Brookings 2010’s kickoff to support the organization’s commitment of developing knowledge based jobs and fulfilling the goals of South Dakota’s 2010 Initiative. The kick-off will be held in the Old Sanctuary, 928 4th Street. Vision Brookings 2010 is a five-year private sector, investor-driven, economic development initiative of the Vision Brookings Coalition which includes the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Brookings, Inc., Brookings Economic Development Corporation and the SDSU Growth Partnership. The total amount of investments to date will be announced at the event. For more information, contact Sarah Van Berkum, 773-3301. Tuesday, March 21, Clear Lake, 1:30 p.m. (CST) - DENR Geological Survey staff will make a presentation to a regular meeting of the Deuel County Commissioners regarding the geology and hydrology of an area northeast of Clear Lake where water supply wells belonging to the Brookings-Deuel Rural Water System are located. The meeting is scheduled to take place in the commissioners’ meeting room in the Deuel County Court House. For more information contact Derric Iles, DENR Geological Survey, 677-5227. Tuesday, March 21, Brandon, 8 p.m. (CST) – Gov. Mike Rounds will speak at the Brandon Valley Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting being held at the Brandon Municipal Golf Course. For more information, contact Mark Johnston, 773-3212. Wednesday, March 22, Sioux Falls, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. – The SD Department of Labor will have representatives from the Sioux Falls Career Center at “Career Day” being held at Washington High School, 501 N. Sycamore Ave. The Sioux Falls School District is sponsoring the “Career Day” for all Sioux Falls high school students in grades 9 – 12. Sioux Falls Career Center staff will give presentations to the 600 freshmen at Washington High School on applications, interviewing and career planning. Representatives will also be participating in the Job Fair that will be held for the freshmen and senior classes of Washington High School. For more information, contact Washington High School counselor Kurt Turbak, 367-7973 or turbakur@sf.k12.sd.us. Wednesday, March 22, Pierre, 10 a.m. (CST) – The SD Railroad Board will hold its regular monthly meeting in the Commission Room of the BeckerHansenBuilding. For more information, contact Nanette Dailey, 773-3222. Wednesday, March 22, near Cresbard, 10 a.m. (CST) – The Governor’s Tourism Advisory Board meets at Big Shot Pheasant Fields. The agenda includes program updates, 2007 goals, a report on the winter advertising campaign and National Tourism Week plans. For more information, contact Nicole Nordbye, SD Office of Tourism, 773-3301 or nicole.nordbye@state.sd.us. Wednesday, March 22, Sioux Falls, 1 p.m. (CST) - Attorney General Larry Long will be the keynote speaker at a fraud and scam prevention forum. The forum is being hosted by the South Dakota Better Business Bureau at the Center for Active Generations, located at 2300 West. Long will discuss the current scams targeting South Dakota citizens. For more information, contact Sara Rabern, 773-3215. Wednesday-Thursday, March 22-23, Pierre, 1 p.m. (CST) - The SD Real Estate Commission will hold its regular commission meeting at the Governors Inn, 700 W. Sioux. For more information, contact Dee Jones Noordermeer, 773-3600. Thursday, March 23, near Cresbard, 8:30 a.m.-Noon (CST) – The Governor’s Tourism Advisory Board meets at Big Shot Pheasant Fields. The board will hear updates on the peak season marketing campaign, legislative updates and discuss plans for the 2007 Governor’s Conference on Tourism. For more information, contact Nicole Nordbye, SD Office of Tourism, 773-3301 or nicole.nordbye@state.sd.us. Thursday, March 23, Sioux Falls, 8 a.m. (CST) – The Board of Pardons and Paroles will hold their monthly meeting at the South Dakota State Penitentiary, Third Floor Conference Room. For more information, contact the Board of Pardons & Paroles, 367-5040. Thursday, March 23, Yankton, 8 a.m. (CST) – The Missouri River Corridor Tourism Conference, “Bridging Tourism: Northeast Nebraska and Southeast South Dakota” will be held at the BestWesternKellyInn. Natasha Bothun and Nicole Soukup, visitor industry relations representatives with the Office of Tourism, will attend the conference. For more information, contact Nicole Nordbye, SD Office of Tourism, 773-3301 or nicole.nordbye@state.sd.us. Thursday, March 23, Pierre, 9 a.m. (CST) - The SD Transportation Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting in the Commission Room of the Becker Hansen Building. For more information, contact Tina Freeman, 773-3265. Thursday-Friday, March 23-24, Sioux Falls, 9:30 a.m. (CST) – The South Dakota Board of Regents will meet at the Sanford School of Medicine for its regular business meeting. The meeting will be held at the HealthScienceCenter, 1400 W. 22nd Street, Sioux Falls. The regents will consider approval of new articulation agreements, set FY07 tuition and fees, and appoint the SDSU presidential search committee. For more information, contact Janelle Toman, 773-3455.
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