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Forced and
Widespread Euthanasia Continues to Rear Its Ugly Head in the Netherlands
SAN DIEGO, March 28 -- This is a very special press release. Biblical Family Advocates (BFA) wants to bring attention to a very important, eye opening press release sent to Phil Magnan, Director of BFA from the organization Cry for Life in the Netherlands. "We get an incredible eye witness testimony from the people who live in a country where widespread euthanasia has been in place for many years. " so says Phil Magnan of Biblical Family Advocates. "If one carefully reads the press release below, many will be shocked how far the Netherlands has gone into euthanasia. This should be a wake up call for America and its own slippery slope to forced euthanasia and the euthanizing of children." Commotion by the Dutch Government About Remarks of Italian Politicians The so-called Groninger Protocol with dr Verhagen is an extension of the Dutch Euthanasia Law. The doctors want to have certainty that they are further away for possible prosecution. The plan is to appoint a committee between the doctors' practice of euthanizing handicapped born children and the law enforcement authorities (OM). Severely handicapped born babies are always a very emotional situation both for parents and the medical staff. At the moment doctors think that they need a permit to practice active euthanasia on handicapped born babies, doctors place themselves in a situation where parents can doubt about the doctor's action to do all he can to save the baby. There is absolutely no need to have this Groninger Protocol. It is widening the subjective rights of the medical staff to practice euthanasia. The Dutch Euthanasia Law is a very subjective law with as main reasons to protect the doctor against possible prosecution and to help the doctor to report his euthanasia practice. But still 60 % of the doctors are not reporting their euthanasia practice. The rights of the patients are not protected. The doctor has to fill in the papers of his killed patient. And the victim, the patient is dead. The UN Human rights Committee doubts if with this law the patient's rights to be protected can be secured. The Dutch government has not answered the UN commission's question after three years. Euthanasia is practiced every day in Holland. The governmental statistics show that in 3000 cases euthanasia is practice without consent and in 20.000 cases euthanasia related practices are executed such as withdrawing food and fluid. The recent commotion by the Dutch government about remarks of Italian politicians proves the dangerous situation in Holland. The German doctors association is warning for the Dutch situation and also the CDU/CSU political party. Please come over to Holland to rescue our country. We can contact you with people whose relatives were killed. We will send you the text and our reaction to the Dutch Euthanasia Law. E-mail: info@schreeuwomleven.nl
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