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National Rally
on Separation of Church and State --April 18 in Danbury, Conn.
DANBURY, Conn., April 11 -- A Columbus, Ohio based group, Minutemen United, will host a rally in Danbury, Connecticut, to address the political, cultural and religious impact of the poorly titled public policy of "separation between church and state." National Rally on Separation of Church and State Details--- When: April 18, 4 - 7 PM (there will be several events prior to the rally, see http://www.minutemenunited.com) Where: City Center Green in Downtown Danbury. (Follow the signs for the Downtown Dining District off Exit 5 of I-84). Who: The rally will feature nationally acclaimed speakers: Bill Federer of Amerisearch, Rev. Flip Benham of Operation Save America, Greg Thompson of America Asleep kNOw More, Rev. Bob Schenck of National Clergy Council, Rusty Thomas of Elijah Ministries, Coach Dave Daubenmire "Coach to the Church" and Mike Heath of Christian Civic League of Maine. Why: New England Regional Coordinator Pastor Bob Cutting declares, “The time has come to tear down the false Wall of Separation of Church & State constructed by a secular Supreme Court during the past 60 years. We have witnessed the slow deterioration of religious freedoms under an antagonist Supreme Court that has misinterpreted and misused the First Amendment to effectively remove God from the public square. We have requested leaders and citizens from around America to come to Danbury on the anniversary of Paul Revere’s famous Freedom Ride, to pray and lay a new foundation stone for the Wall of Separation as originally envisioned by the Founders.” According to Coach Dave Daubenmire, founder of Minutemen United, “In 1801, responding to a private letter from the Danbury Baptists, the phrase ‘wall of separation of Church and state’ was penned by President Thomas Jefferson in response to the Baptists' fear that the U. S. Government was going to establish the Congregationalist Church as the official denomination of the new nation. Jefferson's reference to a wall of separation of church and state was a one way wall...a wall in which the government would have no say in the affairs of the church. His statement, mis-characterized today, was never intended to keep God out of Government.” Leading up to the rally there will be a luncheon, open- air prayer service at the site of the original Baptist Church, and pre-rally speakers. For a schedule of events and more details on the rally visit: http://www.minutemenunited.com Minutemen United is dedicated to uniting and mobilizing God-fearing Americans as an effective force, dedicated to restoring and upholding our Judeo-Christian values as the bedrock of this distinctly-American culture.
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