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Newest Book in
Elementary Creation Science Series ALPHARETTA, Georgia, April 13 -- How do Christian parents teach their children genuine academic science without swallowing huge doses of evolution? How can parents and Christian schools combat the evolutionary propaganda that permeates science books, movies and television shows? The fourth book in Jeannie Fulbright’s elementary science series, to be released this summer, promises to continue the tradition of educating children in strong science while fortifying their faith. This new book, Exploring Creation with Zoology II – Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day, takes students on an adventure of animal discovery through the streams, rivers and oceans of the world. The newest book joins the first three books, Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Exploring Creation with Botany and Exploring Creation with Zoology I, in their investigation of in-depth topics while glorifying God, without sacrificing solid, research-based science. In the three years since the release of this series, Christians have been delighted to discover the truth of creation and evidence that supports their beliefs, while gaining solid scientific knowledge. One homeschool parent exclaims, "Your books are awesome and have been an answer to prayer for me and my family! I’ve been looking for a tool to use with my children that explains science from a creation perspective. It’s difficult to find science material that teaches a Biblical worldview. It amazes me how almost every page of your book talks about God! Your book is well written and truly engages my children. My kids love the hands on activities, which really help them to remember what they've learned. Since we live in a world that has blindly accepted the theory of evolution as fact, every Christian parent needs materials like these to help teach their children about God and His creation." Christian kids are strengthened in their faith through these engaging books that are filled with beautiful color photos. Parents enjoy them as much as their children, since most have not been taught the facts of creation science and can’t answer questions such as, "What about the dinosaurs?" Author, Jeannie Fulbright, encourages parents to, "Give your children the answers they need to deflect the faith-crushing lies they hear on a weekly basis." Published by Apologia Educational Ministries, these books are available through various book sellers, including Christian Book Distributors and Appalachian Distributors. For further information or photographs, contact author, Jeannie Fulbright, at 770.740.9315 or jeannie@jeanniefulbright.com .
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