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Successful Businessman Finds the Answer to Life's Greatest Question LOS GATOS, Calif., April 13 -- The faith journey of John D. Beckett, chairman of the R.W. Beckett Corporation, points the way for others who are seeking answers on the recently launched www.LifesGreatestQuestion.com. The site has been created to share John’s inspiring story and life testimony. The website also provides a "roadmap" for visitors to the site on how to experience God’s transforming love for themselves. John Beckett, author of the bestselling book, Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul, shows how biblical principles can be applied in business and how those principles helped him to build his Elyria, Ohio-based company into one of the leading manufacturers of heating components in the world. "After giving my life to God, my world changed. It was soon clear this new relationship would reach beyond my personal and family life into every arena, including my work. To my amazement, I found I could integrate Sundays into Mondays with great benefit to both! That practice, now spanning over 30 years, has reshaped our company’s approach to everyday business, from customer relations to our care for people to handling finances to retooling our core values," notes Beckett. In addition to John’s personal story, www.LifesGreatestQuestion.com walks through the process of God’s plan for our lives and how to experience it. "God’s intent is that through our relationship with Jesus Christ, we become different people," he continued. "We are ‘under construction’. We’re being transformed from the inside out. The chief architect of these changes is God himself. As a loving father, He comes alongside to personally direct our growth." Visitors to the site can open up a dialogue with volunteers through Global Media Outreach’s Ministry Response Center and get more information on having a relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as learn how to connect with a Christian community. The site was created by Global Media Outreach, a coalition of Internet ministries of Campus Crusade for Christ International. "The mission of Global Media Outreach is to provide everyone with the chance to experience the gospel," said Mark Weimer, CEO of Global Media Outreach. "John’s story is a great example of how these websites can present the message to people that God loves them and has a plan for their life no matter their situation." About John Beckett John D. Beckett is the chairman of the Beckett Companies in Elyria, Ohio, and the author of Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul, published by InterVarsity Press. For more information, visit www.lovingmonday.com. About Global Media Outreach Global Media Outreach is a coalition of Internet evangelism ministries of Campus Crusade for Christ. The mission of Global Media Outreach is to utilize the core principles of Campus Crusade (winning people to Christ; building believers in their faith; and sending them to win, build and send others) through Internet- based communication technologies. For more information: www.globalmediaoutreach.com.
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