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TEACH Magazine
Offers New Subscribers a 'Treasure Chest' Full of Gifts Magazine
RENTON, Wash., April 14 -- As homeschooling becomes more prevalent in the mainstream of American education, parents are seeking resources that will exhort and encourage them. Lorrie and Randy Flem, publishers of TEACH Magazine, have created a publication that has garnered a large following. Recently, TEACH Magazine partnered with seven other companies to provide new subscribers with a “treasure chest” full of free gifts. The first run of the promotion was so successful (selling out in only two weeks!) that the opportunity has been renewed for 2006. Two-year subscribers to TEACH Magazine receive eight issues of the quarterly publication, as well as $70 in retail value of free gifts from FamilyEBiz.com , The Hope Chest, No Greater Joy Ministries, The Bible in Living Sound, Hands & Hearts, Treasure Box Press and Diana Waring. “Every mom needs TEACH Magazine. It will feed your soul and give you the encouragement and information you need to keep going,” says publisher, Lorrie Flem. To learn more about the promotion and to subscribe, visit http://www.teachmagazine.com/promotionals/. Marketing professionals interested in reaching homeschoolers (estimated to be a billion dollar marketing opportunity) are encouraged to subscribe to research the market and vendors successfully engaging in business with home educators already. In addition to publishing TEACH Magazine, publisher Lorrie Flem offers support, tips and wisdom to parents through her speaking engagements, e-zine, and her numerous books and e-books. Speaking on topics such as “A Framework for Your Day”, “Raising Your Own Thomas Edison”, and “8 Ways To Tie Mother Daughter Heartstrings.” Lorrie’s tone and spunk remind homeschooling parents of the important things in life: their family and their faith. The Flems provide homeschoolers with additional resources via their bookstore, TEACHing Tools, which stocks a multitude of items with tools for character training. About TEACH Magazine and TEACHing Tools: TEACH Magazine and TEACHing Tools are owned and operated by Randy and Lorrie Flem. Lorrie has always been prone to talk and as a result she has authored a number of books, is the publisher of TEACHmagazine.com - We put the "HOME" in Homemaking and Homeschooling," and a bi-monthly e- zine, TEACHer’s Manual. She speaks nationally and is known for her humorous and gentle words of encouragement to other keepers of the home.
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