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TV Turn Off
Week Ends April 30
NEW YORK, April 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- For a week at the end of April, families participating in TV Turn Off Week will use just one tool -- the off button -- to limit what their family sees on TV. But what happens when that week ends? TV Watch helps parents connect with the tools and information they need to control TV in their home all year long. "When the TV comes back on, parents can control what their family sees before it hits the TV screen," says Jim Dyke, TV Watch executive director. "Generations of parents relied on the off button or changed the channel when they saw programs that weren't right for their family. Now parents have even more options, like the v-chip, ratings, cable or satellite blocking programs, to limit what comes up on your TV." Parents can take just three simple steps to control TV before it hits their living room: learn the TV ratings, decide which programming is appropriate for your family, and develop a plan to enforce your decisions, whether it's setting rules about TV or blocking certain TV programs using the v-chip, cable or satellite tools. Setting blocking tools for TV is simple and requires just a few clicks of the remote control. In its online tutorial, TV Watch shows that setting parental controls takes as few steps as it takes to make toast. TV Watch also offers a free TV ratings reference sticker that fits on the back of a remote control to remind families to review program ratings. TV Watch member and parenting expert Dr. Sal Severe, has these tips for parents who want to manage what their children see on TV:
About TV Watch--TV Watch was launched in May 2005 by a coalition of individuals and organizations concerned about the lack of education about existing parental control tools for TV, and the impact of increased government control of TV. TV Watch's prominent individuals and member organizations represent more than four million Americans.
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